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顧問姓名:Daisy 賀新花





IC - 林同學




Daisy 老師憑借深厚的文書寫作功底將林同學的留學動機、個人經(jīng)歷和優(yōu)勢、與目標課程的匹配程度、職業(yè)規(guī)劃等以清晰的結構和嚴密的邏輯展現(xiàn)出來,最終,功夫不負有心人,林同學圓了IC夢,同時還拿到了UCL的offer。


My exceptional performance in daily study and all sorts of classroom learning activities captured the attention of our academic staff, and thus I was invited to join their research projects and recommended by them to other research groups in which our school's graduate and doctoral students were carrying out various research projects on ecology studies and species conservation. In the summer of 2019, I had the privilege to shadow the graduate students of the Lab of Animal Behavior and Conservation to study the social network of Pere David's deer in Dafeng Milu National Nature Reserves Jiangsu China. One-month up-close observation led us to a good grasp of the daily activities, living habits and mating patterns of Pere David's deer, and the role of Pere David's deer in an ecosystem; and what's more, the data we gathered on the above aspects offered a firm foundation for the implementation of our practical research. Admittedly, the experience bestowed a distinct opportunity upon me to fathom the symbiotic ecological model of forest, grass, water, deer and bird and the complete Pere David's deer ecosystem, as well as delve into the local ecological construction, species protection and rational utilization of natural resources. At the same time, I got a glimpse of some problems in the National Nature Reserves, like simplex method of species conservation and indifference to the development of the whole ecosystem, all of which set me thinking on how to construct a complete food chain and manage the Cascade Effect in the National Nature Reserves. It was this experience that hardened my determination to commit to ecological and biodiversity conservation. In addition, I elevated my skills in experimental design and implementation, data statistics and analysis, as well as ability to pay close attention to details and research capability by assisting doctoral students of Lab of Animal Behavior and Conservation to study the asymmetry in Eriocheir sinensis. Most importantly, the paper, Signs of Claw Asymmetry Appear in a Homochelate Crab co-written by the team and me was indexed by SCI (Science Citation Index).

林同學在各個方面出色的表面贏得了老師們的青睞,從而獲得了難得的機會跟隨他們做研究項目,有一篇研究論文還被SCI 收錄了。不僅如此,他還在Dafeng Milu National Nature Reserves Jiangsu China進行實踐實習,這段經(jīng)歷給予他的不僅僅是專業(yè)知識和技能的收獲,還有對自然保護區(qū)存在一些問題的思考,也進一步堅定了林同學致力于生物多樣性保護的決心。


UCL - 徐同學


在文書寫作中,Daisy 老師將徐同學小時候參觀表哥的個人實驗室這一經(jīng)歷放在開頭段來引出徐同學的興趣來源,繼而通過同學的學術收獲、本科專業(yè)的特色、實驗經(jīng)驗、實習經(jīng)歷一一凸顯學生是有能力去攻讀化學碩士學位,Daisy 老師妙筆生花,用生動的表達將一個上進、好學、注重把所學到的專業(yè)知識運用到實踐的學生呈現(xiàn)給了招生官。


My first exposure to chemistry was when I was 9 years old. My cousin ecstatically invited me to have a visit to his "Chemistry Lab", where the different shapes of bottles and many-hued reagents and drugs instantly drew my eyes, and I marveled at how a small piece of silver-white solid (sodium (Na)) quickly turned into a fast-moving ball floating on the water surface after being put into the water. This is where my budding interest in chemistry comes from, and after that, I grew to love to analyse the ingredient list of all kinds of stuff, like facial cream, cleansing cream, sodas and health care products, and envisage how different functional groups can react, and what happens. I also studied extremely hard in high school, with a view to getting into a chemistry-related undergraduate programme. 

類似一個故事的寫作方式牽出學生對chemistry 的興趣。

Quite frankly, I relish doing chemical experiments either alone or with my team in the lab to analyse and test all kinds of compounds, and then employ research findings to create new compounds that are useful in many aspects of human life or find a new, more efficient process to use for the production of an established product. Giving full play to what I have learnt to do something good for humanity, like addressing water contamination problems, always gives me a sense of fulfillment. This dedication spirit also impels me to take an active part in chemical projects or experiments initiated by our professors, and in college students' innovation projects. One of my practical highlights was that I led my team to successfully synthesize a new-type photosensitive MOFs material available for targeted therapy.



標簽: 留學專家秀 英國G5 留學個人陳述 51offer編輯:Nancy