表達(dá)心情的常用口語大匯總 留學(xué)時你一定用得到!

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我高興極了。 I'm so happy.

呀嗬! Yahoo!

哇!/太棒了!/好家伙! Oh, boy! (表示高興、驚喜的同時,也表示稍覺為難的心情。注意,沒有Oh, girl!的說法)

哇!/呀!/棒極了! Wow! (表示高興、驚喜、贊嘆。“啊”。 )

哇!/棒極了! Yeah!(表示同意、贊成。比Yes要隨便、粗魯)

哈哈!/太棒了! Whoopee! (孩子用來表示幸福的詞,如果大人使用,聽上去含有諷刺的意味)

謝天謝地…… I'm glad that...

感覺好極了。 I feel like a million dollars.

我從沒有這么高興過。 I've never been this happy.

真是個好消息。 That's good news.

那太棒了!/太好了! What fun!

舒服極了! I feel great!

我今天的心情很好。 I'm in a good mood today.

我期待著今年的夏天。 I'm looking forward to this summer.

今天你看上去很高興啊! You look happy today.

高興得飄飄欲仙。 I'm walking on air.

我高興得跳了起來。 I jumped for joy.

這簡直不敢讓人相信。 This is too good to be true.

沒有比這更讓人高興的了。 Nothing could be more wonderful.

你使我感覺到了幸福。 You made me happy.

成功了! I made it!

你干得不錯! You did it!

真運(yùn)氣! Lucky!

今天的運(yùn)氣真好。 I lucked out today. (美國的俚語說法)

你真走運(yùn)。 It's your lucky day.

感謝上帝!/謝天謝地。 Thank heavens!

我中頭彩了! I hit the jackpot! (原意是賭博時贏得很多錢。一般用于“中了頭彩”、“獲得巨大成功”時)

美夢成真! It's a dream come true!

真幸運(yùn)呀! Talk about luck.

就是這個! This is it!(用于找到了一直在找的東西時)

就這么定了。 It's settled!

聽起來不錯! Sounds great! (聽到對方的建議后表達(dá)自己同意的意見時)

真不錯。 Looks great! (看到什么人或什么物,發(fā)出“真棒”的感嘆時)


別再辯解了! No more excuses! (excuse “辯解”)

我不想再聽你的辯解了。 I've heard enough of your excuses.

這樣也解釋不通呀。 That's not a good excuse.

你到底在想什么呢? What's the big idea? (用來表示“你怎么做那種事,你到底在想什么呢?”)

別給我開空頭支票。 Don't give me any lip service!

你少命令我! Don't tell me what to do! (這是句常用語,直譯“用不著你對我說該做什么。” )

氣死了我了! I'm mad!

那真討厭! That's disgusting.

你真讓我心煩。 You're getting on my nerves.

別取笑我! Don't make fun of me! (*make fun of...慣用短語,“嘲笑,開玩笑”)

請別上火。 Don't be upset.

我再也沒耐心了。 I've run out of patience.

你放肆! What nerve!

你竟有臉說這種事! How impudent you are to say such a thing! (*impudent “厚顏的”,“不知羞恥的”。)

他說的話多氣人呀。 What he says offends me.

我們得反擊。 We've got to get even.

我又不是不懂。 I wasn't born yesterday. (直譯“我可不是昨天才生下來的”)

別把我當(dāng)傻瓜。 Don't think you can make a fool out of me!

你拿我開涮呢。 You're making fun of me.

真是獅子大開口。 That's asking too much.

他是急脾氣。 He has a quick temper.

= He has a short temper.

= He has a bad temper.

你知道你是在對誰說話嗎? Who do you think you're talking to? (表示“你對我能用這種口氣說話嗎?”)

我不能讓你隨心所欲。 I won't let you have your own way.

這是恐嚇。 That's blackmail!

你別侮辱人。 Don't insult me. = Don't insult my intelligence. (直譯“你別侮辱我的才智”)

你是一個卑鄙的騙子。 You're a filthy liar.

你會后悔的。 You'll be sorry.

你瘋啦? Are you crazy?

別用那種眼神看著我! Don't look at me like that!

我要報復(fù)。 I want to get even with him.

那個狡猾、卑鄙的家伙。 That sneaky, low life creep!

(根本)不是!?是的! Is not! ? Is too!

隨便吧! Have it your way!(用于好心好意給人出主意卻不被接受時。“那隨你便吧,愛怎么著就怎么著吧。”)


我很沮喪。 I'm depressed.

我今天感到很憂郁。 I've got the blues today. (blue表示“憂郁的”,blues表示“郁悶,憂郁癥”)

這真讓人沮喪。 It's depressing.

雨天使我感到消沉。 Rainy days get me down.

我提不起精神來做事。 I don't feel like doing anything.

他滿臉憂愁。 He looks melancholy.

今天,他看上去很郁悶。 He looks gloomy today. (gloomy 常用來形容“(天氣等的)陰沉沉的”,在此表示“煩悶、憂郁的感覺”)

真讓人失望! What a disappointment!

太遺憾了! What a pity!

白費(fèi)力了。 It was a waste of effort.

前功盡棄。 All that for nothing.

你真讓我失望。 You let me down.

我真失策。 I blew it. (常用俚語,表示“失敗”、“失策”、“干了一件蠢事”)

毫無辦法。 It can't be helped.

純屬浪費(fèi)時間。 It's a waste of time.

我感到悲傷。 I feel sad.

哦!天哪! Oh, dear!

嗚嗚! Boohoo. (用在大聲哭泣時,嗚嗚地哭)

我的心都碎了。 My heart broke.

我的內(nèi)心充滿了悲傷。 My heart has been filled with grief. (be filled with... 表示“充滿……”,grief 表示“極度悲傷”、“悲嘆”)

那悲慘的故事使我心情抑郁。 The sad story depressed me.

真無情! How ruthless!

沒人能知道我的感受。 No one can understand how I really feel.


我喜歡。 I like it.

你滿意你的新車嗎? Are you pleased with your new car? (be pleased with... 表示“看中……,喜歡……”)

be satisfied with...“對……滿意”。

be happy with...“對……感到滿意”。

我喜歡這茶。 I'm fond of this tea.

be fond of... “喜歡……”。

比起咖啡來我更喜歡紅茶。 I prefer tea to coffee.

我對……上癮。 I'm hooked on...= I'm addicted to...

我喜歡喝西紅柿湯。 Tomato soup is my cup of tea. (常用于日常生活中,帶些詼諧語氣的表達(dá)方式。cup of tea是“喜歡的東西、對勁的東西”)

我非常喜歡吃日本食品。 I've developed a great liking for Japanese food.

我這人很挑剔。 I'm choosy.

我開始喜歡吃壽司了。 I came to like sushi.

簡越來越讓我喜歡。 Jane has grown on me.

看上去挺好玩的。 This will be fun!

我很感興趣。 I'm interested.

我很滿足。 I'm satisfied.

我很欣賞它。 I enjoyed it.

我被深深地感動了。 I was deeply moved.

我不喜歡這個。 I don't like it.

我最討厭這個了。 I hate it!

這個真惡心。 This is disgusting.


啐! Yuck! (用于感到實(shí)在惡心時,或引起不快時)

臭死了! Peeyew! (用于感到氣味很臭時,表示“真難聞”、“這味真臭”)

我不喜歡你的這種態(tài)度。 It's your attitude I don't like.

我對他恨之入骨。 I hate his guts.

我不喜歡。 I don't care for it.

看見他就心煩。 I can't stand him.

別再有第二次! Never again!

我已經(jīng)受夠了! I've had it.

標(biāo)簽: 口語 留學(xué)指南 51offer編輯:Alice