
閱讀:16044 來源:51offer.com 作者:51pass
The advice you would give your friend on how to use his or her money

A friend of yours has received some money and plans to use all of it either

• to go on vacation

• to buy a car

Your friend has asked you for advice. Compare your friend's two choices and explain which one you

think your friend should choose. Use specific reasons and details to support your choice.





Receiving money is always an unexpected delight. Making the decision of how to spend this money is always

a difficult choice. What it comes down to, however, is the individual's personal preferences, lifestyle, and

priorities. If one of my friends has to choose between buying a car and going on vacation, I would carefully

consider their lifestyle and advise them based on their wants and needs.

Living in a city can be a very high-paced, stressful way to live. Having a car would bring many conveniences

that would make the experience much more enjoyable. First and foremost, a car can get you around the city very

quickly and directly. This would be an important factor if my friend goes to school or works far away from home.

Second, a car offers privacy. If my friend does not enjoy public places, then a car would be an excellent option.

Cars also have their disadvantages. A car has many additional costs beyond the initial expense of buying one. One

must pay for insurance, gasoline, and any incidental fees such as repairs. If my friend does not have a lot of extra

money besides his/her inheritance, a car may not be the best option.

A vacation is also an excellent decision. If my friend works at a high-stress job, then a vacation is sometimes

the only way to relax and forget about one's worries in the work world. Vacations to faraway lands can give a

person more perspective on the world, and can also provide excellent memories. However, vacations always have

to end, and one must return to his/her everyday life.

Therefore, I think that if my friend lives far away from his/her work or school and has a little bit of extra

money, then a car would be the best option. However, if he/she lives near his/her work and holds a high-stress

position, I would suggest that a vacation would be a better option. As mentioned above, how we spend our money

is a very personal decision, based on one's own priorities. In the end, only my friend can decide what is best for


