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At one time, the animals present in these fossil beds were assigned to various modern animal groups, but most paleontologists now agree that all Tommotian fossils represent unique body forms that arose in the early Cambrian period and disappeared before the end of the period, leaving no descendants in modern animal groups.

1. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.

  • ?The animals found in the Tommotian fossil bed were once thought to belong to a variety of modern animal groups, but now they are thought to have descended from a single group.
  • ?Animals in the Tommotian fossil beds were initially assigned to modern animal groups but are now thought to belong to groups that emerged and died out during the Cambrian period.
  • ?Though at first they thought otherwise, paleontologists now agree that the animals in the Tommotian have body forms from which modern animals have descended.
  • ?It is unclear whether the Tommotian fossils from the early Cambrian period represent unique body forms or whether they should be assigned to various modern animal groups.

原文中有描寫leaving no descendants in modern animal groups,選項A和C 都說have descended,因此這一細節(jié)直接可以讓這兩個選項出局,再看最后D說 It is unclear whether…should be assigned to various modern animal groups,而文章明確有說leaving no descendants in modern animal groups,因此也可以排除D. 最終答案是B。



Only the last of these was suited at all to the continuous operating of machines, and although waterpower abounded in Lancashire and Scotland and ran grain mills as well as textile mills, it had one great disadvantage: streams flowed where nature intended them to and water-driven factories had to be located on their banks whether or not the location was desirable for other reasons.

1. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.

○ Running water was the best power source for factories since it could keep machines operating continuously but since it was abundant only in Lancashire and Scotland, most mills and factories that were located elsewhere could not be water driven.

○ The disadvantage of using waterpower is that streams do not necessarily flow in places that are the most suitable for factories which explains why so many water—powered grain and textile mills were located in undesirable places

○ Since machines could be operated continuously only where running water was abundant, grain and textile mills as well as other factories tended to be located only in Lancashire and Scotland.

○ Running water was the only source of power that was suitable for the continuous operation of machines, but to make use of it factories had to be located where the water was, regardless of whether such locations made sense otherwise.

選項A說Running water was the best power source,其中the best原文沒說,另外A和C中only in Lancashire and Scotland描述錯誤。選項B本身沒有錯誤,但是它只講了 the disadvantage,不全面,也沒有說出原文中although的讓步邏輯,因此也可以排除。學生在做題是往往看到差不多的選項就下定論了,其實還是應該看完四個選項的。經(jīng)比較,D選項不僅對原文意思轉(zhuǎn)述完整,更表達出了讓步的邏輯關系,因此入圍最佳選項也當之無愧。


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