A good Honours degree, preferably upper second-class or above in a relevant discipline such as Geography, Environmental Science, Mathematics, Engineering, Physics, Chemistryor Biology. In special cases, applications may be considered from those holding no
Applicants for admission to the MSc/PG Diploma should normally hold, or be expecting to achieve, a good first degree (Bachelor or Master level) or other approved qualification at an equivalent level. This would usually be Civil Engineering or a related di
All applicants to the Secondary PGDipEd(QTS)Science: Chemistry course must hold a degree or equivalent qualification.We will expect at least of 50% your degree to be chemistry related and require a good A-level equivalent in a science other than chemistry
You will normally need a good Honours degree in Chemical Engineering or Bioscience (including Biochemistry and Microbiology) or related disciplines. Applications are also invited from good Honours degree graduates in Food Science/Technology and Environmen