雅思口語考試第二,三部分之a leader

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Tell me about a leader you admire.

You should say: who the leader is?what he/she do/did to become a leader

what you would ask him/her if you met the person and explain why you admire him/her.


·Wen Jiabao, his position, his previous experience?·His qualities:soft-spoken+considerate:people respect him ·After the earthquake in Sichuan: he was supportive+touching ·I would like to interview him: about what??·He's extremely appreciated=he's a model

Let me tell you about Premier Wen Jiabao who is serving as the head of the Chinese government. Mr. Wen used to be a geologist and an engineer in Gansu Province, in western China, before he took more political responsibilities in Beijing.

Premier Wen is famous for being soft-spoken and hard-working. I believe he is a very considerate, very thoughtful leader, and this is why people admire him across the country. Our domestic media call him "the people's Premier" and he always appears very close to the population.

I will never forget the images of him in Sichuan right after the earthquake that devastated the region in 2008.He was the first politician to make the trip to the stricken area to support the population and organize the rescue plan. I remember him talking with a megaphone to 2 children who were stuck down in a well, and he introduced himself as "Grandpa Wen Jiabao".It was so moving.

I would really like to meet him to ask him many questions about China's development and future.He is known to have a very tight bond(=relationship) with President Hu Jintao, and I would love to speak with them about contemporary(=current) issues such as education and unemployment.

I think that everyone trusts Premier Wen Jiabao in China, and he is appreciated for all his qualities. I think that leaders should always reflect(=symbolize) important values. I lookup to him, and I regard him as a role model.I wish I could become as wise and influential in the future.

1.How do people become leaders?

That's a good question, and I don't think there is one definite answer. It is common to debate the question of whether leaders are born or made. Can anyone become a leader? I don't think so.I believe people are born with some characteristics that could prompt (= cause) them to take responsibilities, to be brave and decisive.I would assume that many leaders worked hard to get to the top, but others found an easier way, using their connections to get to a high-ranking position.

2. How can parents encourage leadership qualities in their children?

Parents should act as role models for their kids.Children should learn how to take initiative (=decisions on their own), so parents should give them freedom and time to think by themselves. I

believe that if a child learns how to manage different situations, he will become more mature, more independent, and also more flexible. These are essential qualities a leader should have. In addition, parents could try to ask their child to organize an activity or a schedule on his own. As a result, the child would learn how to make decisions and plans. Planning is the leader's task.

3. How might future leaders differ from the leaders of today?

That's a tough question. I think leaders in the future will be closer to their people and staff. In the past, we didn't know much about our political leaders.In business, there was always a huge gap between workers and their bosses.But I think that in the future, leaders will be more accessible.As a result, their job will also require them to have excellent communication and interpersonal skills and to be in touch with everyone regularly.Leaders will not only make decisions, but also train and advise more.

4. Are political leaders the most influential in today's society?

Yes, definitely, because they pass the laws and plan our society's future. They make major decisions in terms of the national and local economy. On the other hand, other leaders also influence our daily lives by their actions and accomplishments. Young people look up to famous athletes(=sportsmen), pop stars and actors.These celebrities play a very important role for teenagers, and they have an impact on their attitudes and way of thinking. Business leaders are also very powerful nowadays, because they can influence some of the government's decisions.

5. Do you think a leader should be perfect in all fields?

It would be nice,but no one’s perfect.They are role models because of their achievements and as long as they do their job well, they are allowed to make occasional mistakes. I am a big sports fan, and a few months ago, I was a bit surprised to hear about golfer. Tiger Woods apologizing to his fans because he cheated on his wife. 1 think that leaders should be responsible for their work and position, but they don't owe apologies to the public when they commit mistakes that are not relevant to their field of expertise. Tiger Woods should work it out with his wife, not the journalists.

6. Is it important for leaders to take others’ advice?

Definitely!Leaders make the final decisions, but beforehand, they should be advised by different professionals and specialists, in order to have every single card in hand when it's time to be decisive.


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