overall 6.5 with not less than 6.0 in the individual Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking test
China - high ranking university,eg. 211 Project Universities
The MSc IN Sustainable Engineering programme IS relatively NEW, AND being BOTH technology AND management based, acknowledges the modern challenges of a rapidly changing GLOBAL manufacturing industry. It IS therefore designed TO provide students WITH the k
overall 6.5 with not less than 6.0 in the individual Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking test
China - high ranking university,eg. 211 Project Universities
It IS aimed AT engineers who have specialised IN a traditional discipline but are NOW expected TO understand, operate IN, develop AND integrate entire systems that are NOT only increasingly complex but rapidly changing.
overall 6.5 with not less than 6.0 in the individual Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking test
China - high ranking university,eg. 211 Project Universities
This programme, established IN 2005,?supports the professional development of sports coaches AND those working IN closely related fields. The programme IS most suitable FOR experience coaches FROM a development of performance domain, OR those who WORK IN