overall 6.5 with not less than 6.0 in the individual Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking test
China - high ranking university,eg. 211 Project Universities
Created IN partnership WITH companies such AS the Ford Motor Company AND Jaguar Land Rover, the programme IS also aimed AT existing OR prospective product development engineers AND those working IN manufacturing, particularly those working alongside produ
overall 6.5 with not less than 6.0 in the individual Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking test
China - high ranking university,eg. 211 Project Universities
It IS designed TO ENABLE access TO a RANGE of SUBJECT disciplines, workshops AND expertise provided BY practitioners AND researchers who contribute TO teaching, alongside guest speakers.
overall 6.5 with not less than 6.0 in the individual Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking test
China - high ranking university,eg. 211 Project Universities
This degree course combines the theory AND practice of drama. The two approaches are NOT merely complementary, but are indivisible IN the study of drama AND theatre AT degree level.
overall 6.5 with not less than 6.0 in the individual Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking test
China - high ranking university,eg. 211 Project Universities
The course IS particularly appropriate IF you are interested IN a career IN arts administration, OR IN running your own company IN the creative industries.
overall 6.5 with not less than 6.0 in the individual Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking test
China - high ranking university,eg. 211 Project Universities
This course combines the study of the theory AND practice of drama WITH the study of English literature AND language. Your studies will take place IN a variety of learning environments, including seminars, workshops, lectures, GROUP WORK WITH peers, AND O