overall 6.5 with not less than 6.0 in the individual Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking test
China - high ranking university,eg. 211 Project Universities
The programme IS based IN the School of Civil AND Building Engineering’s Water, Engineering AND Development Centre (WEDC), ONE of the world’s LEADING education AND research institutes of its kind.
overall 6.5 with not less than 6.0 in the individual Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking test
China - high ranking university,eg. 211 Project Universities
Modules are taught BY experts IN a broad RANGE of disciplines who have considerable experience of working IN low- AND middle- income countries. The programme includes non-technical modules that will broaden your education base, opening up opportunities FO
overall 6.5 with not less than 6.0 in the individual Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking test
China - high ranking university,eg. 211 Project Universities
Modules are delivered BY experts IN a broad RANGE of disciplines who have considerable experience of working IN low- AND middle- income countries. Participants have a mix of nationalities AND past experiences, providing opportunities FOR learning FROM the
overall 6.5 with not less than 6.0 in the individual Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking test
China - high ranking university,eg. 211 Project Universities
The programme IS based IN the School of Civil AND Building Engineering’s Water, Engineering AND Development Centre (WEDC), ONE of the world’s LEADING education AND research institutes of its kind.